Club de Mujeres Yurac Yacu

Yurac Yacu Manta Table Runner (47")

  • Sale
  • Regular price $20.00
  • 1 available

These are colorful Peruvian Manta table runners featuring an elegant hand-knitted border perfect for your dinning room and/or small table. They are handmade by the Club de Mujeres de Yurac Yacu and each table runner will include a picture of their maker.
The photo artist tab is actually a wonderful visual tool for the women to keep track of sales and finances since many of them do not know how to write or read. Brilliant idea!
When you are purchasing this product, you will feel like you are bringing color to your home and also a little bit of their esperanza ("hope") energy to your home.
  • Blue made by Melania: 48" x 43"
  • Bright Red made by Antonia: 47" x 41"
  • Ruby Red made by Juana: 47" x 41"
  • Pink made by Juana: 48" x 43"
  • Pink made by Matilda: 47" x 41"
  • Pink made by Victoria: 48" x 41"
The Story:
While exploring the Andes in Peru, we visited the magical city of Huaraz, Peru and through Diana from Andean Alliance, we learned about a wonderful project that is empowering women in the town of Yurac Yacu to organize themselves & create handmade products to help support their families and bring income. 
This local women knitting club is known as "Club de Mujeres de Yurac Yacu" and it was formed in 2014 with the help of Andean Alliance. Women in the Andes are strong household leaders but have limited access to education or income. We felt inspired learning about this project and seeing that they are now becoming business entrepreneurs. 
We visited their store, personally met four members (Victoria, Nancy, Melania & Eugenia) of the knitting club and picked our favorite table runners for you!
Coming together and working as a team was not an easy task. Many of these women didn't know how to knit, some didn't know how to read or write and they also didn't trust each other at the beginning because they came from different households.
They are a successful example that if one person believes in their potential, then they are encouraged to believe in themselves too. Thank you to Diana for believing in them!
To learn more about the Yurac Yacu Community programs, visit their website at